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Date Posted: 08-01-2019

After six and a half years at the helm, Clive Rushworth, distinguished Musical Director of Bolton Cancer Voices, is reluctantly laying down his baton; prompting the search for a new musical maestro to take this special and inspirational Choir forward.

Founded in 2012, Bolton Cancer Voices is believed to have been the North West’s first dedicated Choir for cancer patients and cancer survivors; their only criterion for membership being that you must have received a cancer diagnosis at some point in life.

Though cancer brings this Choir together enabling people to meet with others in a similar situation, they focus on sharing their love of singing, having fun, rising to new challenges and the enjoyment derived from entertaining others. Their determination not to let cancer define or restrict them, recently saw members participating in the ‘Festival of Brass and Voices’, at the Royal Albert Hall, London.

Karen Elliott, Founder and Chair said: –
‘We are devastated to be losing Clive: he’s been an integral part of the team from the beginning; without his willing support and enthusiasm the Choir might never have got off the ground.

He’s taken a random group of individuals, many without previous choral experience, and moulded us in to the inspirational Choir we are today. We have shared some wonderful experiences together: he’s been a complete joy to work with and will be a hard act to follow!

We are not simply seeking to recruit a Musical Director with the necessary skills, experience and personality, who shares our ethos and drive: we are looking for someone who feels passionate about becoming the Musical Director of Bolton Cancer Voices; there’s a world of difference!

If sounds like you we’re looking for, please get in touch for further details.’

Karen can be contacted on 01204 595562 / 07773 164235.