Date Posted: 05-09-2016
Bolton Cancer Voices are inviting people to make Mondays melodic. Four years ago, conscious of the lack of support in the community for cancer patients and cancer survivors, Karen Elliott established a Choir in the belief that there are therapeutic benefits to singing. She wanted to provide a fun and inspirational way to bring people together, in an environment of mutual support and understanding. Anyone who has received a cancer diagnosis of any type, at any time, is welcome: some members are newly diagnosed and currently in treatment; some are living with cancer as a non-curable condition and others are many years on from the time of their illness.
There are no geographical restrictions to membership, as long as people can get to the centre of Bolton for rehearsals; and it doesn’t matter at which Hospital you were treated.
Membership is FREE of charge: there is no requirement to read music and no auditions to worry about. Whilst some members have a wealth of choral experience, others have never even thought about joining a Choir before hearing of Bolton Cancer Voices.
The Choir undertake a number of performances each year but if anyone who meets their criteria for membership just wants to enjoy attending rehearsals without the pressure of performances, they are still most welcome.
September will see the launch of the Choir’s festive programme, which this year includes concerts at The Barlow and Bury Parish Church.
Karen Elliott, Chair said:
‘People may think Bolton Cancer Voices, by virtue of its criteria for membership, is a somewhat depressing group but in fact nothing could be further from the truth! Our members seize the day and live life to the full, no matter what uncertainties they may face. The Choir come together to share their joy of singing and it’s entirely up to individual members how much information they choose to disclose about their personal experience.
However, we do have a half-hour prior to the start of rehearsal when there is the facility for anyone who wants, to have a brew and a chat: and amid an environment where people understand the challenges that cancer can bring, an empathetic ear is always to be found.
This is a great time for new members to come on board, as we’re about to start learning music for our Christmas programme. We have a number of different activities lined up, so it should be great fun.’
Rehearsals take place on Mondays, 7.30pm – 9pm. For further information contact Karen on 01204 595562 / 07773 164235 or email [email protected]