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PRESS RELEASE:  – 25 /07/2023


After a deafening silence of over three years Bolton Cancer Voices is at last back, under the baton of new Musical Director – Katie Geelan.

Formed in 2012 Bolton Cancer Voices was ahead of its time in recognising and harnessing the therapeutic benefits of singing in a Choir and accordingly established a dedicated Choir for cancer patients and cancer survivors. Whether a singing novice or a seasoned professional this inspirational Choir enables people to come together to share their love of singing, enjoy new experiences and rise to choral challenges, whilst benefitting from a supportive environment where everyone understands the challenges that can come with a cancer diagnosis.

Karen Elliott – Founder & Chair said:-

‘This is an amazingly exciting time for us: we can’t wait to reunite and re-launch with Katie at the helm.

It’s been a long time coming but we’re determined to return louder, prouder, bolder and stronger!

We know that during the period of our absence a lot of people will sadly have received a cancer diagnosis and many others will have finished their treatment or be living with cancer as a chronic condition, so we’re hoping for an influx of new members keen to join: there really couldn’t be a better time.’

Whilst Bolton Cancer Voices has a unique criterion for membership they certainly don’t allow themselves to be defined or restricted by the disease: their many highlights include an annual ‘Jingle Bell Sing-A-Long’ concert at the Victoria Hall to which, they have welcomed guest bands including Besses Boys’ Band and the Greater Manchester Police Band; recording a CD; being featured on BBC Northwest Tonight, ITV Granada Reports and That’s Manchester; appearing at Manchester Cathedral; their 5th Birthday concert with guests Salford Symphony Orchestra and Affetside Choir; a joint venture with the legendary ‘Houghton Weavers’ and participating in the ‘Festival of Brass and Voices’ at the Royal Albert Hall, London.

Membership of the Choir is FREE and open to anyone over 18 years old who has received a cancer diagnosis of any type at any time. There are no geographical restrictions, as long as you can get to Bolton for rehearsals on Monday evenings – 7-30pm – 9pm: there are no auditions to worry about and you don’t need to be able to read music.

To enquire about membership contact Karen on 01204 595562 / 07773 164235